Scenario: Sajna wants to reuse her Aadhar data in the online form filling to a TravelCompany.

  • First, Sajna adds her Aadhar credentials to her Data Wallet. Once added, she can reuse and share it with the TravelCompany after signing a data agreement.

  • The TravelCompany receives verified quality data from Sajna's Aadhar, paperless and digital. The green tick mark presented in the QR field is a verification that the data is not tampered with. Once the green tick mark appears, the form is automatically filled with the data requested.

Download the Data Wallet app from AppStore or PlayStore

Open the Data Wallet app and CLICK the '+' next to it.

CLICK ‘+’ and follow the instructions on the mobile screen to add the Aadhar card to the Data Wallet.

Proceed to steps 2 to exchange data to the TravelCompany.

From your Data Wallet app, click "Scan" button to scan the QR code. Follow instructions and confirm sharing data.